Every day we face challenges at work, including difficult conversations. This self-paced series covers the factors that make conversations difficult, approaches for navigating them, and strategies for succeeding in those conversations. Included are 11  short sessions with instructional content and tasks distributed over those sessions for ease of understanding and completion. Through a series of videos, podcasts, and articles, you will learn how to work more effectively with others through self-awareness, preparation, influencing others, effective communication, and feedback.  


  • Increase your self-awareness to be more effective in challenging conversations.
  • Receive strategies and tips for working with difficult people.
  • Expand your understanding of difficult conversations, negotiation and influencing others. 

Your Instructor

The course is led by Dr. Francis Eberle, a Leadership and Organization Advisor at Price Associates. He has had over 25 years of leadership experience from launching a startup, to being a CEO for two organizations. His book, Connected Leadership, is now accompanied by a workbook of exercises for individuals and teams.

Pay only
to gain access for 1 year

Session 1

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Awareness of Yourself and Path to Action

Awareness of Yourself and Path to Action

Session 2

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Listening and Preparation

Listening and Preparation

Session 3

Training Resource
Types of Difficult Conversations

Types of Difficult Conversations

Session 4

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Practice and Impact

Practice and Impact

Session 5

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Feedback


Training Resource

Practicing Feedback

Session 6

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Diplomacy and Tact

Diplomacy and Tact

Session 7

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Introduction to Emotions

Introduction to Emotions

Training Resource

Positive Emotion Brainstorm Exercise

Session 8

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Impact of Emotions

Impact of Emotions

Training Resource

Managing a Polarized Workforce

Session 9

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Session 10

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Understanding and Evaluating

Understanding and Evaluating

Training Resource

Commit to Improving Your Understanding of Others

Session 11

Training Resource
Difficult Conversations: Reflection and Action

Reflection and Action