The Complete Leader Summit 2023

Date & Time

Boise State University Student Union
Jordan D Ballroom
1700 W University Drive
Boise, ID 83725
United States

Registration Dates



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Pricing Details:

$199 per person
$179 early bird pricing (register before September 1)
$169 per person (register 2 or more people from your organization)


Join us in Boise for a day of impactful TED Talk-style sessions on trending topics in innovation, leadership, remote teams, millennial leaders, creativity and more. 

Expert speakers and practitioners from around the globe will deliver a carefully curated series of thoughtful topics, designed to challenge and inspire your thinking. Attend the TCL Summit for a chance to network with local leaders and come away with tools and ideas to move your organization into the future. Bring your entire leadership team for a day of team building and inspirational sessions. Space is limited, so register soon! 

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Registration Deadline: Sunday, October 1 at 11:59 p.m. MT.


Introducing Our Keynote Speaker:


The Power of Creativity

More than ever we—people, companies, organizations and governments—need to change our thinking. With challenges of unprecedented complexity in every aspect of daily life, we must embrace new ways of thinking and working that span the boundaries of classical knowledge and application. Creativity must increase not only to spark innovation and sustainable success, but also to reinforce the idea that artists and scientists are more alike than different and well-equipped to work at the nexus of our time—where art, technology and science converge. 

This nexus demands that creativity play an ever-increasing and vital role to solve the complex challenges set before all of us today.


Introducing Our Speakers:


The Dangerous Book for CEOs

There are no magic bullets in life or in effectively building and running an organization. There are approaches, though, that—if focused on consistently over time—do lead to a greater chance of success.

While writing The Dangerous Book for CEOs, it became clear to Padraig that the roles of “leader” and “manager” were often used interchangeably despite fundamental differences. Without clear guidance and support, the transition from manager to leader can be challenging enough without blurring the lines between the two.

This session will detail how to build superior organizational performance through individual actions and behaviors, how to create the conditions for people in your organization to do the right thing, and how to share the power and responsibility of leadership through effective talent management.

You will discover:

  • The difference between leading and managing
  • A model of the keystone habits for effective leadership
  • A practical toolkit to take away and implement

With a life-long interest in human and business performance improvement, Padraig Berry has been working for over 30 years as a Business Coach and Strategist. A high energy, clear and focused thinker with a direct and pragmatic style, his passion is helping CEOs to get clear, get focused and get going to take themselves and their organizations forward. Padraig believes that culture eats strategy for breakfast—that a world-class team pursuing their passions with a clear economic driver and business model is unbeatable. Padraig holds a BA from ATU (Ireland) and an MBA from ESSEC (France). 


Millennial Leaders: The Newest Voice in the Corporate Jungle

Millennials now make up the largest employee demographic in the workforce and 91% of them want to lead. This means that the nature of work, the face of leadership, and team dynamics have all taken a new shape. 

Millennial leaders are now occupying seats at the table, and their insight can help solve challenges in our increasingly digital world. In this session, Davina Ware will share the major shifts Millennials bring to the workforce, give Boomers and Gen X insight into the strength of Millennial leaders, and outline how this generation can create a lane for their expertise.

You'll Discover:

  • Techniques for cultivating aspiring Millennial leaders on your team
  • Critical team culture elements needed for thriving and accountability
  • Steps to stand out, gain respect, and effect change in the workplace 

Davina Ware is a TCL Faculty Member, Career and Workplace Strategist, marketing professional, and founder of Upwardly Paved Path career coaching. She launches professionals into careers of authority that utilize their gifts and talents and prepares businesses to create spaces where top talent can thrive. Through the latest career transition principles, personal branding, and professional empowerment, she leads her clients to reach their fullest potential.


The Leader Paradox

We often associate the idea of leadership with words like power, authority and charisma. But historically, the people who make lasting positive change know true leadership is about developing individuals and building a community around a shared purpose.

These Servant Leaders put the people they lead first, empower them, help them develop their full personal capacities and unlock their potential, creativity and sense of purpose. The Servant Leader moves beyond the transactional aspects of management, and instead actively seeks to develop and align an employee's sense of purpose with the company mission.

This session will allow you to think differently about leadership and team development and gain useful tools to lead effectively while keeping focused on those who are a part of your organization. Using the ideas of personal integrity, good communication, foresight, collaboration and continuous team development, you will gain a practical understanding of your leadership so that you can implement a culture of servant leadership within your organization.

You will uncover how to:

  • Compare and contrast Power Leadership with Servant Leadership
  • Examine your own leadership style as it relates to the Servant Leader Model
  • Create a personal plan to develop Servant Leadership attitudes and behaviors
  • Develop a plan to grow engaged and empowered employees within your organization

Dr. Jeremy Graves is passionate about people development. Specifically around teams, organizational development, leadership and Generational Synchronicity, Jeremy has a strong desire to see individuals and organizations assess their current leadership pipeline and develop, implement, train and deploy leaders within their organization. He holds a doctorate in transformational leadership and works in both for profit and non-profit circles.


Lost in Translation: Engaging Teams Remotely

The past few years have left many of us feeling trapped between the in-person and the digital world. Our intended messages are often lost in translation between Slack conversations, endless emails and long Zoom calls.

However, digital communication—particularly for remote teams—is simple once you recognize the traps of cultural bias, mental health, time and platforms. During this session, Dr. Francis Eberle offers tips to help your messages stick and engage your remote teams while avoiding the frustration of miscommunication.

You will learn:

  • How to recognize the unique power of effective remote work
  • That technology is only a part of the solution to leading remote teams
  • Strategies and techniques promoting effective digital team interaction

Francis Eberle, PhD, is Leadership and Organizational advisor, TCL Faculty Member, speaker and author. After more than 25 years as an executive, Francis helps both individuals and organizations, and believes that people development is business development. He has successfully partnered with leaders and teams to improve their skills, plan strategically, solve complex problems and grow financial and programmatic resources. His most recent book is Connected Leadership; Engage Your Workforce to Lead Themselves. He holds a BS from Boston University, a Masters from the University of Connecticut, a PhD from Lesley University and is a Harvard Business School Executive Management program graduate.


An Innovation Success Story

We often hear about groundbreaking innovation stories—those that revolutionize industries, make start-ups into superstars and help dying companies pivot into money-makers. Those might be the flashy news stories, but they don’t always reflect the real, and perhaps most impactful, innovation success stories of today’s business world.

In truth, you don’t need one big idea to create a cycle of success and engagement in your organization. You need a team focused on idea generation, creative and futuristic thinking and implementing a repeatable innovation process.

In this session, Tanja Yardley will share how The Innovator’s Advantage and TTI Success Insights tools helped to propel a ground-breaking health-tech company to the top of its industry—and strategies to help you and your clients do the same.

You will take away:

  • Ideas on how to build your own Innovation Flywheel
  • Tools to spark creative thinking
  • A scalable framework for innovation

Tanja Yardley, B.SC.P.T., is the Vice President of Clinical Innovation at Healthtech Connex, a physiotherapist and an Innovation and Leadership Coach. With over 30 years of clinical and leadership experience in private-sector healthcare, she has orchestrated strategy and operations across more than 50 sites while coaching and developing leaders and allied health teams. Her past role as Healthcare Innovation Lead with Canada’s largest national healthcare company positioned her in the emerging technology space, where she developed relationships with numerous inventors and start-ups redefining the healthcare landscape. 


DoKnowBe Leadership: Your Unique Leadership Design

Every one of us has a unique design comprised of personal beliefs, values, passions and gifts that makes us who we are. However, too few of us have a deep enough understanding of our unique design to use it to become a truly effective leader. 

Using the DoKnowBe Tree, Rodger will explore a framework to help you understand your leadership design with a particular focus on the importance of your individual beliefs—those things you know are true but can't prove—and how those beliefs impact all aspects of your world. In this session, you will learn techniques to grow yourself as a leader and how to help those around you develop their unique leadership abilities.

You will gain:
• A new model for understanding yourself and tips to use this knowledge to grow your leadership abilities
• An understanding of how assessment tools align with this unique model
• A tool for exploring your top leadership values

Rodger Price is the Founder of Leading by DESIGN® and considers himself one-part engineer, one-part businessman and many-parts coach and teacher. After more than a decade as a mechanical engineer, Rodger shifted from developing world-class automotive products to developing remarkable leaders. He spent the next 20 years working with executives from a variety of organizations like Prince/Johnson Controls, Twisthink, Courageous Leadership and the Reformed Church in America.