Leaders Are Clear Thinkers

TCL Video Series: Creativity with Justin Foster

Tomorrow’s leaders will find that the pace of change makes the life span of a creative idea shorter, and fresh concepts will be continually needed to stay competitive.

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Defining Moments in Leadership—Dan Price’s Minimum Wage Announcement

I admire and support Dan’s commitment to being an authentic leader who thinks clearly, gets things done, and takes responsibility for the well being of his te

3 Ways to Develop a Story That Will Resonate with Customers

By Dr. Ranjit Nair

Storytelling is powerful: It causes people to be engaged at work and to their work.

TCL Video Series: Futuristic Thinking with Shawn Kent Hayashi

Futuristic thinking is imagining, envisioning, projecting and /or predicting what has not been realized.

The 4 Rs of High-Stakes Decision Making

Decisiveness is often cited as a desirable trait in leaders.

How to Seize the Opportunities When Megatrends Collide

Preparing for the inevitable interactions between global forces can help you stay ahead of the competition.

TCL Video Series: Continuous Learning with Mindy Bortness

Continuous learning is the desire to continually improve your skillset by gathering new knowledge.

TCL Video Series: Planning & Organization with Brent Patmos

Tomorrow’s leaders will use planning and organization to cast a broad net around what might happen, and to create a plan that is robust enough to respond to the unknown.

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Creative Thinking: Innovation's Starting Point

Creativity in leadership is an often-underused competency. But even if you’re not operating in a traditionally “creative” industry, the benefits of innova

The Do's and Don'ts of Creativity

Creativity is one of the most intrinsically rewarding endeavors we engage in.

Why Bacon Brands Beat Oatmeal Brands

“Bacon is a great metaphor for the perpetually interesting brand.” Taking a cue from comedian Jim Gaffigan (Bippity-boppity-BACON!), strategist and speaker

What Are You Waiting For?

Learn what it takes to be a visionary who leads your organization toward an innovative and bright future.