
Definition: Achieving extraordinary business results through people.

Great leadership culminates in achieving results through the efforts and talents of your team. This section will help you discover who you are and who you want to be. And you will find resources, tips, and insights to help you get there. A pivotal part of leadership is thinking, doing and reacting authentically. These skills and others, such as recognizing defining moments and being open, will help you to discover your true leadership style. Once you are able to understand your true leadership style, you will be able to leverage your strengths and build upon your weaknesses.

Join our community to learn more about authenticity in leadership, and to access resources and activities to help you along the way.

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Help Your Boss Understand Your Work Style

When Leadership Coach Lori McNeill first met Mike Molloy, Associate Director at Immunext, Inc., she noticed that he was experiencing frustration at work.

Recognizing Other Perspectives

Understanding and evaluating others is the ability to see the individuality in others and to recognize a person’s unique point of view.

Who Makes the Best Leaders?

By Andy Johnson • 5 min read

In an interesting 2010 study, a team of researchers led by Adam Grant of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania set out to understand a nagging qu

5 Keys to Creating the Ideal Work Environment

One of my favorite interview questions to ask candidates is “what’s your ideal environment?” If the environment is not right, skills, values and other int

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Make Your Team Better with DISC

By Whit Mitchell • 2 min read

Why do people lose their jobs? Managers hire for skill, but they rarely fire for incompetence. Instead they fire because of bad behavior.

Presenting is Simply Having a Conversation

In this short video, Dale Dixon talks about the importance of leaders having strong presenting skills and being your authentic self.

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Why Should I Care About EQ?

By Ron Price • 4 min read

To some, emotional intelligence (or EQ) can sound like the modern version of standing in a circle holding hands and singing kumbaya.

Written Communication: Reinforcing the Spoken Word

Leaders with an aptitude for written communication have the ability to articulate a written message in a clear and compelling manner.

Empathy: the Ability to Feel the Feelings of Others

In this short video, Andy Johnson talks about how mastering this leadership skill will allow today's leaders to operate on an entirely different level, especially with millennials.

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Optimize Your Leadership Potential

By Ron Price • 3 min read

I am in my fifth decade of working on what it means to be a leader. When I amalgamate my personal leadership experiences and those I’ve been honored to witnes

Being the Real You (Authenticity Series Episode 3)

• 14 min

Host Dale Dixon and Executive Advisor Ron Price wrap up their discussion of Authenticity in leadership.